Friday, September 15, 2006


Finding the exact market that needs what you have to offer is one of the primary keys to success in any business, but especially when you're trying to do business online. Taking a shotgun approach and foolishly believing that "everyone" needs your product or service is the quickest way to failure. You need to be able to identify and describe your niche market, from determining what problem the niche market is actively trying to solve and what they'll pay for (as well as how much they will pay) to what publications they read, what groups/associations do they belong to, and where they hang out both on- and off-line. The more narrowly focused your niche, the better. So, owners of Golden Retrievers is a better defined niche than dog lovers, and executive female golfers is better than women athletes.
Build relationships online. Even though an online business is virtual and you meet few of your clients and prospective clients face-to-face, it is still possible to build trusting relationships online. The most important thing to remember is that your personality needs to shine throughout all of your online ventures. So whether you share personal stories about your life or business (these will be very popular with your visitors), or write articles or web site text in the same way you speak, you need to give visitors an experience of what it means to do business with you. You can also use audio and video on your web site as well as photos of you in action in your business. Remember, most people need to get to know, like and respect you before they'll decide to buy what you have to offer.
Work at home moms have the usual responsibilities of being a mom - folding laundry, scheduling doctor's appointments, helping with homework, reading bedtime stories, and basically being on call 24-hours a day. In addition, there is the conundrum of how to find time to work and answer emails, do networking, update bookkeeping, make phone calls, and more. And, it must fit into a 24 hour day. So, how do we do it? How do we stay sane in the chaos?

It's disclaimer time. I am not the person to give advice on sanity. I'm pretty sure I filed away my sanity last year when I did taxes. I have my days where I say "That's it! I'm getting a regular job!" But, then I talk to my wonderful friend who reminds me of the reality of the real world -- the traffic, the boss who won't let me go to my son's field trip, and the fact that I'd probably have to buy pantyhose again. She manages to slap some sense back into me every time. I hate pantyhose.

Working from home the last few years, I've picked up a few handy tips. They aren't magic beans, that, when planted, will grow you a nanny and a housekeeper, but they can help you to enjoy being a work at home mom just a little bit more.

10. Freezer Cooking! This is my personal life-saver. Spend one day during the week or one day each month assembling meals and your reward is a freezer filled with food. Then, when it's time to make dinner, just grab a healthful, inexpensive meal from your freezer, heat it up and serve. Think about it. Next time you cook dinner, quadruple the recipe and put what you don't eat into the freezer for later. Presto! Magic food will appear in your freezer the next time you need it.

9. Pay it Forward- By helping others, it reminds us that many of our own problems are much smaller than they appear. Whether you donate money, give blood, or volunteer your time, you are setting a beautiful example for your children. Involve your older kids and make volunteering a family activity.

8. Stay Healthy - Dust off your rollerblades, strap a pillow across your bottom and hit the pavement. Or surprise your children and the dog with a nice long walk.

7. Organize, organize, organize! If you're spending hours each week sorting through piles of paper, looking for receipts or "to do" lists, that is wasted time and unnecessary frustration. Sweep the Magic 8 ball, the empty jar of peanuts, the Slinky, and the Snickers wrapper off your desk right now. You can do it!

6. Save Money - As Benjamin Franklin wrote in Poor Richard's Almanac "A penny saved is a penny earned." Work at home moms know how hard it can be to earn a penny. So, do everything you can to save those hard-earned cents.

5. Time Management - Don't let Time Stealers make you work any longer than you need to. When you're sitting in front of your computer or talking on the phone, that is time away from your children. Always remember your "why". WHY are you working from home? If the reason is to spend more time with your kids, then figure out how to make that happen!

4. Learn and Learn some More! - Find a mentor or someone who you like the way they handle their business. Network with other moms who are successful, take online classes, or hire a coach. Invest in yourself and you'll invest in your business.

3. Play with your Kids - Whether you sit down to play a board game, or drive Hot Wheels around the carpet, there's always fun to be had. If you need some ideas, check out

2. Keep your sense of humor. Laugh every day! Turn off your computer, put in your copy of The Village People "YMCA" (I know you have one) and Dance! Dance! Dance!

and the number one way to stay sane as a Work at Home Mom .....

1. Always remember "The days are long, but the years are short." Although it oftentimes feels like the days drag by as a work at home mom, remember that the years are flying by. It's that reminder that keeps me grounded on days when the projects are heavy and the beach is calling.
When looking for online business opportunities I thought about this. I decided I would not consider any business that does not have a set of core values to guide in decision making. John Dalla Costa wrote a book a few year back called The Ethical Imperative: Why Moral Leadership is Good Business. In his book Dalla Costa offers numerous examples of how companies who try to skirt legal requirements to save money end up paying more in fines and legal costs. On the positive side he also offers examples of companies who refuse to compromise core convictions even if it means paying a monetary price for doing so. In every example the companies that hold to their core convictions, who do not take legal short-cuts or engage in questionable business practices ultimately become more profitable. Their reputation as an honest company causes their stock (and stocks) to rise, while companies who pay fines for violating environmental regulations or who seem to find their way into the news for other questionable business practices ultimately lose credibility as astute investors take their money elsewhere while clients lose confidence in their business practices.

I want to know that any business I’m going to become a part of and/or promote to others considers the dignity and worth of every man or woman created by God. I want to know that the business has some core values that serve as a moral barometer for its business activities, and I want to know that the intention of any wealth generated by the business through its affiliates is for improving the moral condition of society rather than for destructive purposes. That’s why I won’t become a part of, or invest money in any business that earns profits through pornography or through casino gambling. I have yet to see either of these activities improve anyone’s life.

I have found that there are plenty of good businesses that are values driven with solid reputations offering profitable home based business opportunities. I would suggest you consider this component before settling on a business to which you want to become connected. When you run across a business you think might be compatible with your interests, or when you see an advertising agency you think might represent your interests well go to a search engine and type in the name of the business and the word "news." That will take you to online forums and to media sources where you discover all the information you need to make an informed decision. It's worth the time and effort and your it will serve as a good compass for leading you in the right direction.


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